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20 Essential IELTS Vocabulary Words for Common Test Topics

This Vocabulary is perfect for all parts of the IELTS Cambridge exam, including Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening preparation.

If you’re preparing for the IELTS test in 2024 and want to master the vocabulary needed to feel confident, “Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS” is an essential resource. It includes:

  • Noun List of words
  • Verb List of words
  • Adjective List of words
  • Verb Phrases
  • Idioms for IELTS
  • Phrases with Time
  • Adverb List of words
  • Phrases Related to Life or Living
  • Compound Nouns
  • Useful Tips and Strategies for Exam Tasks
  • Techniques for Learning and Remembering Vocabulary
  • A Comprehensive Word List for Quick Reference

What This Vocabulary Aims to Achieve ?

This vocabulary guide is made for students who are studying on their own and want to review and expand their vocabulary. It can also be used in IELTS preparation classes or given as homework by teachers. It’s suitable for advanced learners and anyone studying English for academic reasons.

What are effective ways to learn and review vocabulary?

Some of the vocabulary you encounter may be new to you, while others might be words you’re familiar with but haven’t used correctly yet. Even if you think you know a word, you might still be making mistakes, like using the wrong preposition or verb. To help you organize and learn vocabulary more effectively, you could use a notebook and divide your words into these categories:

  • New Words to Learn
  • Words I Need to Use More
  • Words I Often Make Mistakes With
  • Topic Words (e.g., The Environment, Fuel, Energy, Work)

Alternatively, you can use different colors to highlight these words. For instance, use a blue highlighter for topic words, a red highlighter for words you often make mistakes with, and so on.

Growing Up

1AdolescenceTransition to adult stage
2AdulthoodTransition to mature responsibilities
3BondConnection, link, tie, relationship
4BrotherhoodUnity, solidarity, camaraderie, fraternity
5CharacterTraits defining a person
6ChildhoodEarly years of life
7ConnectionLinking, Relating, Associating, Joining
8FatherhoodPaternal responsibility and care
9FriendshipConnection, Trust, Support, Companionship
10InstinctNatural, innate, automatic behavior
11InteractionCommunication between two entities
12ParentGuardian, caregiver, progenitor
13RelativeRelated by family
14SiblingBrother or sister relationship
15TeenagerAdolescent, Youth, Teen, Youngster
16TiesConnection through bonding
17UpbringingChildhood upbringing and development

Growing Up Vocabulary Words

.Compound nounsMeaning
18Active roleEngagement in significant participation
19Extended familyRelatives beyond immediate
20Family gatheringRelatives coming together joyfully
21Immediate familyClosest blood relatives
22Maternal instinctMotherly nurturing instinct
23Sibling rivalryCompetitive tension among siblings
24Stable upbringingConsistent, nurturing family environment
25Striking resemblanceClose similarity in appearance

26Compound nouns Words

26CloseNear; Shut; Intimate; Conclude
27Close-knitStrongly bonded together
28MaternalRelating to motherhood
29ParentalRelating to parents’ role
30RewardingSatisfying, fulfilling, worthwhile experience
31StableSecure, firm, unchanging condition

Adjectives Words

32AccommodateProvide lodging or space
33AdoptAccept, embrace, take on
34Break downSeparate into parts
35DevelopEvolve, progress, cultivate, advance
36EndurePersist through difficult times
37EstablishSet up or create
38Have sth in common Share a common trait
39InheritReceive property or traits
40InteractEngage with one another
41NurtureCare for growth development
42Relate (to)Connect or associate with

Verbs Words


43AbilityCapacity for skill
44AdolescentTeenager going through puberty
45BehaviorActions reflecting personal conduct
46ChildhoodEarly life, formative years
47ConceptAbstract idea or notion
48ConsequenceResult of an action
49GestureBody language communication signal
50GrowthDevelopment or increase in size, quantity, or extent
51HeightElevation or vertical distance
52ImaginationCreative mental picture-making
53InfancyEarly stage of development
54InfantBaby, very young child
55KnowledgeUnderstanding, awareness, information, comprehension
56MaturityGrowth into adult behavior
57MemoryRecall of past experiences
58MilestoneSignificant achievement or event
59MindFaculty of cognitive awareness
60PeersColleagues, equals, associates, comrades
61PeriodInterval of time duration
62PhaseStage or period transition
63RateAssess, evaluate, assign value
64ReminderMemory aid prompt
65Social skillsInterpersonal abilities or communication skills
66SkillsAbilities, competencies, aptitudes, talents
67StagePerformance area or platform
68SoddlerYoung child learning to walk
69TransitionChange from one state


70AbstractSummary: Conceptual, non-concrete
71CognitiveRelated to mental processes
72ClumsyAwkward, ungainly, inelegant, graceless
73FondAffectionate, liking, adoring, attached
74Fully-grownAdult, mature, developed, grown-up
75ImmatureNot fully developed yet
76IndependentSelf-reliant, autonomous, self-sufficient
77IrresponsibleLacking accountability or care
78MatureAdult, grown, developed, ripe
79PatientEnduring, tolerant, awaiting treatment
80RebelliousDefiant, disobedient, insurgent, nonconformist
81SignificantImportant, noteworthy, impactful, considerable
82TolerantAccepting individual differences

Adjectives Words

83TypicallyUsually, commonly, ordinarily

Adverb Words

.Phrases with mindMeaning
84Bear in mindRemember, keep in mind
85Broaden the mindExpand mental horizons
86Have something in mindIntend or plan
87Have something on your mindThinking about something
88It slipped my mindForgot momentarily
89Keep an open mindBe receptive, stay flexible
90My mind went blankTemporary mental lapse
91Put your mind at easeRelax, calm down

Phrases with mind Vocabulary


91AllergyImmune reaction to allergen
92AnxietyNervousness or worry
93AppetiteDesire for food
94ArteryBlood vessel carrying oxygen
95AssetValuable possession or resource
96BenefitAdvantage, gain, positive outcome
97CravingsIntense desires for something
98DepressionPersistent low mood disorder
99DiagnosisMedical condition identification
100DietEating habits and nutrition
101DieticianNutrition expert or Food specialist
102DiseaseIllness or sickness
103(eating) DisorderDisturbed eating pattern
104ExercisePhysical activity for health
105FactorInfluence, element, determinant, component
106Fast foodQuick meal service
107FatExcess body weight
108HarmInjury or damage
109HealthWell-being, wellness, vitality, fitness
110Heart attackCardiac event, severe chest pain
111InfectionDisease-causing microorganism spread
112IngredientsComponents of a mixture
113InsomniaDifficulty sleeping at night
114IntakeConsumption of food/liquid
115Junk foodUnhealthy processed food
116MuscleTissue for movement
117NutrientEssential dietary substance
118NutritionDietary intake and health
119ObesityExcessive body fat
120OnsetBeginning, Start, Initiation, Commencement
121PortionAmount, share, segment, fraction
122RiskPossibility of loss
123ServingProviding assistance or help
124StressPressure, tension, anxiety, strain
125StrokeBrain blood vessel blockage
126TreatmentMedical care or therapy
127TherapyPsychological healing process
128VarietyDiverse range of options
129weightMeasure of mass

KEEPING FIT Vocabulary

130AcuteSevere or sudden
131AllergicHypersensitive reaction
132AlternateSubstitute or rotate
133BriskQuick and energetic
134ChronicLong-lasting or persistent
135HarmfulCausing damage or injury
136HealthyGood for well-being
137InfectiousTransmittable, contagious
138ModerateNot extreme, balanced
139ObeseExtremely overweight
140OverweightExcess body weight
141PersistentContinual, ongoing
142RegularConsistent, routine
143VitalEssential, crucial


144AvoidStay away from
145CounteractOppose or neutralize
146CurbRestrain or limit
147CureRemedy or heal
148DiminishDecrease or reduce
149DisruptInterrupt or disturb
150EliminateRemove completely
151MaintainKeep in existence
152OverdoExceed appropriate limits
153OvereatConsume excessively
154PreventStop from happening
155RecommendSuggest or advise
156RecoverGet back to health
157ReduceDecrease in size or amount
158SkipMiss or omit
159StimulateEncourage or activate
160TriggerInitiate or spark

Verbs Words


161ActivityEngaged physical or mental endeavor
162AspectFacet or viewpoint
163AttitudeMental outlook or disposition
164(Achieve a) BalanceEquilibrium or harmony achieved
165CompetitionContest or rivalry
166Daily routineRegular daily activities
167DesireStrong want or longing
168DisappointmentFeeling let down or unsatisfied
169ExperienceKnowledge gained from events
170FulfillmentSatisfaction or completion
171GoalObjective or aim
172HobbyLeisure pursuit or pastime
173InsightDeep understanding or perception
174LeisureFree time or relaxation
175LifestyleWay of living
176OptimistPositive thinker or hopeful person
177OutlookPerspective or viewpoint
178OpportunityFavorable chance or opening
179PersonalityIndividual characteristics or traits
180PessimistNegative thinker or gloomy person
181PriorityHighest importance or precedence
182PressureForce exerted or stress
183RealistPractical thinker or realistic person
184Risk-takerOne who embraces uncertainty
185Self-expressionCommunication of personal identity
186SensePerception or awareness

Nouns Words

187ActiveEngaged in action or movement
188BoredUninterested or weary
189ConfusedDisoriented or unclear
190DissatisfiedUnhappy or discontented
191IntenseStrong or extreme
192MaterialisticConcerned with possessions or wealth
193NegativeUnfavorable or pessimistic
194OutdoorOutside or in nature
195PositiveOptimistic or favorable
196RecreationalLeisurely or for enjoyment
197SuccessfulAchieving desired outcomes


Accomplish or attain
199AppealAttract or be appealing
200AttractDraw in or allure
201ChooseSelect or decide upon
202ExpressConvey or communicate
203EnjoyTake pleasure in
204FulfillSatisfy or meet requirements
205ImproveEnhance or make better
206MotiveReason or drive
207ParticipateTake part in or join
208RegretFeel sorry about or lament
209RelaxUnwind or rest
210SatisfyFulfill or meet expectations

Verbs Words

.Verb phrasesMeaning
211Lead a happy lifeLive joyfully or contentedly
212Live life on the edgeEmbrace risk or adventure
213Live life to the fullMaximize experiences or opportunities
214Make a choiceDecide between options
215Make a decisionChoose a course of action
216Make a livingEarn money or sustain oneself financially
217Meet a needFulfill a requirement or necessity
218Miss (an opportunity)Fail to seize or take advantage of
219Play a roleAssume a part or function
220Put pressure onExert influence or stress upon
221Set (a goal)Establish an objective or target
222Take part (in)Participate or engage in
223Work hard for a livingLabor diligently for income

Verb phrases Vocabulary

.Phrases with life or livingMeaning
224All walks of lifePeople from all backgrounds or circumstances
225Cost of livingExpenses required for sustenance
226Lifelong ambitionLong-held aspiration or goal
227Living expensesCosts for maintaining life
228Once in a life time opportunityRare or unique chance
229Standard of livingLevel of comfort or wealth
230Way of lifeLifestyle or manner of living

Phrases with life or living Vocabulary


AssignmentTask given
CollegeHigher education
ControversyDispute or debate
CurriculumCourse content
DissertationExtended written work
EducationLearning process
ExamAssessment test
FieldArea of study
FindingDiscovery or result
FundingFinancial support
GradeMark or level
GraduationCompletion of study
GrantFinancial aid
High schoolSecondary education
HomeworkAssigned study
Junior schoolEarly education
KindergartenPre-school level
Learning disorderCognitive impairment
LecturerAcademic instructor
LibraryCollection of resources
LimitsBoundaries or restrictions
MastersAdvanced degree
NurseryEarly childhood education
PhDDoctoral degree
Primary schoolElementary education
ProgramCourse of study
ProjectAssigned task
ResearchInvestigative study
ResourcesMaterials or funds
ResultsOutcomes or findings
ScholarshipFinancial award
ScopeRange or extent
Secondary schoolHigh school
SourcesOrigins or references
SyllabusCurriculum outline
TaskAssigned job
TheoryHypothetical explanation
ThesisAcademic argument
TutorPrivate instructor
TopicSubject of discussion
UniversityHigher education institution

nouns Words

AcademicsScholarly pursuits
EligibleQualified or entitled
MixedCombined or varied
PostgraduateAdvanced study
RelevantPertinent or applicable
SeniorHigher grade or level
Single-sexOnly one gender
StudiousDiligent in study
Work-relatedPertaining to employment

adjectives words

AdoptTake on or embrace
AnalyseExamine closely
ConductCarry out or manage
ConcentrateFocus intensely
ConsiderPonder or think about
Find outDiscover or learn
GraduateComplete studies
LearnAcquire knowledge
OrganiseArrange systematically
OvercomeConquer or defeat
ReviewExamine or evaluate
ReviseAmend or modify
StruggleEffortful endeavor
TakeAccept or acquire

Verbs Words

RelativelyIn comparison



AccuracyPrecision or correctness
CommunicationExchange of information
ConceptIdea or notion
ConjectureGuess or speculation
DialectRegional language variation
FluencySmoothness or proficiency
gesturePhysical expression
HesitationPause or uncertainty
LanguageSystem of communication
Language barrierObstacle to understanding
LinguistLanguage expert
LinguisticsStudy of languages
Means of communicationMethod of conveying
Mother tongueFirst language learned
Native speakerPerson with fluent proficiency
PronunciationArticulation of words
Sign languageVisual communication system
VocabularyLexicon or word list


IncoherentNot clear or disjointed
InherentIntrinsic or innate
SophisticatedComplex or advanced
SpontaneousUnplanned or natural

adjectives Words

ClarifyMake clear or explain
CommunicateShare information
ComprehendUnderstand or grasp
ConcludeReach a decision
ConfirmVerify or affirm
ConverseEngage in conversation
DefineGive meaning to
DemonstrateShow or prove
DistinguishDifferentiate or discern
EmergeCome forth or appear
EvolveDevelop or progress
ExplainElaborate or clarify
ExpressConvey or articulate
GestureNon-verbal communication
IllustrateClarify with examples
ImplySuggest indirectly
IndicatePoint out or show
PronounceArticulate words
RecallRemember or recollect
ReferMention or allude to
SignifyRepresent or mean
StateExpress or declare
StutterSpeech impediment
SuggestPropose or recommend
TranslateConvert from one language to another

Verbs Words

There is something to be saidWorth considering or discussing
Needless to sayObvious or self-evident
Have a sayExpress an opinion
When all is said and doneAfter everything
Having said thatDespite what was said
To say the leastUnderstating the situation
You can say that again!Completely agree
That is to sayIn other words

Idioms Vocabulary


AccommodationLodging or housing
AttractionPlace of interest
CommunityGroup of people
CountrysideRural area or land
DestinationEnd point of travel
Eco-tourismSustainable tourism
EffectInfluence or result
FacilitatesMakes easier or enables
IdentificationRecognizing or proving identity
InhabitantResident or dweller
ItineraryPlanned route or schedule
JourneyTravel from one place to another
LandscapePhysical environment or scenery
LuggageBags or belongings
PeakHighest point or summit
TourismTravel for recreation
TransportConveyance or transportation
TravelMovement between locations
TravelingEngaged in travel
TrendPopular pattern or direction
TripJourney or excursion
VillageSmall settlement
TouristVisitor or traveler

ON THE MOVE Vocabulary

AdventurousBold or daring
BudgeMove or adjust
BreathtakingAstonishing or stunning
CoastalAlong the coast
cosmopolitanCulturally diverse
DiverseVaried or different
FlexibleAdaptable or adjustable
ForeignFrom another country
LocalPertaining to the area
LuxuriousLavish or indulgent
MountainousHaving many mountains
PeacefulCalm or serene
PicturesqueCharming or scenic
PollutedContaminated or dirty
QuaintCharming or old-fashioned
RemoteIsolated or distant
RoughUneven or harsh
RuralCountryside or rustic
ScenicBeautiful or picturesque
StunningStrikingly beautiful
ToughDifficult or resilient
TraditionalConventional or customary
UnspoiltUntouched or pristine
UrbanCity or metropolitan

Adjectives Words

AffectImpact or influence
FluctuateChange or vary

Verbs Words


AgePeriod of existence
ArchaeologistScientist studying artifacts
CenturyPeriod of one hundred years
DecadePeriod of ten years
EraHistorical period
EvidenceProof or indication
ExcavationDigging or archaeological site
GenerationGroup born at same time
The middle agesHistorical period
MillenniaThousands of years
PeriodInterval or era
PhaseStage or segment
PioneerTrailblazer or innovator
TimelineChronological sequence


AncientVery old or antique
ChronologicalIn order of time
ConsecutiveFollowing in sequence
HistoricalRelating to history
ImminentAbout to occur
Middle-agedMidway through life
NostalgicLonging for the past
PrehistoricBefore recorded history
PriorBefore or preceding
PunctualOn time or prompt
Time-consumingRequiring much time

adjectives Words

ErodeWear away or deteriorate
InferDeduce or conclude
PredateExist earlier than
SpanDuration or extent

verbs Words

Phrases with time
In timeEventually or on schedule
Lose track of timeForget time passing
On timePrompt or punctual
Save timePreserve time
Spend timeUtilize time
Take so longRequire much time
The right timeAppropriate moment

Phrases with time Vocabulary

ChronologicallyIn time order
FormerlyPreviously or in the past
PreviouslyBefore now or earlier
SubsequentlyLater or afterward



AgricultureFarming or cultivation
Animal kingdomAll animals collectively
BurrowHole or tunnel
ClimateWeather conditions
CropCultivated plant
DeclineDecrease or fall
DenAnimal’s lair or shelter
DisasterCatastrophic event
Ecological balanceNatural equilibrium
EcologyStudy of ecosystems
EvolutionDevelopment over time
ExtinctionDevelopment over time
HabitatNatural environment
Human natureInnate characteristics
InsectSmall arthropod
Mother natureNatural world
PesticidesChemicals to control pests
PredatorHunter or carnivore.
PreyHunted or targeted animal
RepercussionsConsequences or effects
ScentSmell or aroma
SpeciesGroup of organisms
SoilEarth’s upper layer
VegetationPlant life
VerminPest or nuisance
WeedUnwanted plant
FaunaAnimal life
FloraPlant life
GeneticsStudy of genes


AridDry or parched
CatastrophicDisastrous or tragic
DisastrousCalamitous or devastating
DomesticatedTamed or cultivated
EndangeredAt risk of extinction
ExtinctNo longer existing
Genetically-modifiedAltered through genetics
IntroducedBrought into a new environment
NativeIndigenous or original
NaturalExisting in nature
ResistantImmune or unyielding
Semi-aridPartly dry
TropicalWarm and humid
VulnerableSusceptible or exposed
WildUntamed or uncultivated

Adjectives Words

AdaptAdjust or modify
CombatFight or confront
CultivateGrow or nurture
EradicateEliminate or exterminate
EvolveDevelop or change
HibernateSleep through winter
TolerateEndure or accept

Verbs Words


AsteroidCelestial body
AstronautSpace traveler
AtmosphereGaseous envelope around Earth
CosmosUniverse or space
CraterBowl-shaped depression
DebrisScattered remains
EarthPlanet we inhabit
ExplorationDiscovering or investigating
ExplorerAdventurer or discoverer
GalaxyCollection of stars
GasState of matter
GravityForce of attraction
HorizonDistant line
LaunchSend off or propel
MeteorFalling space rock
MoonEarth’s natural satellite
OceanLarge body of water
OrbitCircular path
Outer spaceBeyond Earth’s atmosphere
PlanetCelestial body
RadiationEnergy emission
RocketSpacecraft launcher
SatelliteOrbiting object
SimulatorTraining device
Solar systemSun and its planets
SpaceUniverse beyond Earth
SpacecraftVehicle for space travel
Space shuttleReusable spacecraft
Space stationHabitable structure
SurfaceOuter layer
UniverseAll existing matter
WeightlessnessAbsence of gravity


CommercialRelating to commerce
CosmicRelating to cosmos
ExtremeIntense or severe
GravitationalRelated to gravity
HorizontalParallel to ground
InevitableUnavoidable or certain
LunarRelated to the moon
MeteoricRapid or spectacular
OuterExternal or exterior
SolarRelating to the sun
TerrestrialAlien, Earth-related
ToxicPoisonous or harmful
UninhabitableNot fit for living
UniversalRelating to entire universe
UnmannedWithout a crew or operator

Adjectives Words

AcclimatiseAdapt to climate
ColoniseEstablish colonies
ExploreInvestigate or discover
FloatRemain on surface
OrbitRevolve around
PropelDrive or thrust
rotateSpin or turn
SustainMaintain or support
SimulateImitate or replicate
UndergoExperience or endure

Verbs Words


BalconyPlatform on building
BrickRectangular building material
BuildingConstructed structure
CeilingUpper limit of room
ConcreteBuilding material
ConstructionBuilding process
CottageSmall rural dwelling
DesignPlan or blueprint
DeviceTool or mechanism
ElevatorLift for vertical transport
EngineeringApplication of science
FrameSkeleton or structure
GadgetSmall device or tool.
HousingShelter or accommodation
InnovationNew invention or idea
InventionNewly created device
LandmarkNotable feature or event
Lift shaftVertical passage for elevator
OccupantPerson residing in place
PlatformRaised surface or stage
QuarryMine or excavation site
ResidencePlace of living
SkyscraperTall building
StaircaseSeries of steps
SteelAlloy of iron
StorageSpace for keeping items
StructureDesign, Framework or organization
TensionStrain or stress
TimberWood used in construction


AiryLight and spacious
ConventionalTraditional or standard
CosyComfortable and warm
CrampedConfined or crowded
CurvedBent or rounded
DisposableSingle-use or throwaway
DomesticRelating to home
ExteriorOuter surface or outside
FunctionalPractical and useful
FuturisticForward-thinking or innovative
High-riseTall building or tower
InnovativeCreative or inventive
InternalInside or inner
Mass-producedManufactured in bulk
ModernContemporary or up-to-date
Multi-storeyHaving multiple floors
Old-fashionedOutdated or traditional
OrnateElaborately decorated
PrefabricatedPre-made or modular
Single-storeyOne level
SpaciousLarge and roomy
State-of-the-artAdvanced or cutting-edge
TraditionalConventional or customary
Two-storeyTwo levels
TypicalCharacteristic or usual
Ultra-modernExtremely modern or advanced

Adjectives Words

ActivateTurn on or start
AutomateMake automatic or mechanize
BuildConstruct or erect
CondemnSentence or judge
ConstructBuild or create
DecorateAdorn or embellish
DemolishDestroy or knock down
DesignPlan or create
DevelopGrow or evolve
DeviseInvent or create
HaulTransport or carry
HoistLift or raise
InventCreate or devise
MaintainKeep or preserve
OccupyInhabit or reside in
ReconstructRebuild or renovate
RenovateRefurbish or improve
SupportHold up or sustain
TriggerInitiate or activate

Verbs Words


Automatic pilotSelf-operating system
ComputerizationProcess of computerizing
ConnectionLink or association
DataInformation or facts
DeviceTool or instrument
FunctionPurpose or role
GadgetSmall device or tool
The internetGlobal computer network
KeyboardInput device
LaptopPortable computer
The latestMost recent
MemoryStorage capacity
MonitorDisplay screen
PatentLegal protection for invention
ProgramSet of instructions
PrototypeOriginal model
Remote controlDevice for wireless control
Silicon chipSemiconductor
TechnologyApplication of science
VisionAbility to see
Wireless connectionWireless network
TelecommunicationsCommunication over a distance
KeypadInput device with keys


CompactSmall and efficient
ComputerisedControlled by computer
Cutting-edgeInnovative or advanced
CyberRelating to digital technology
DatedOutdated or old-fashioned
DigitalRelating to digits or data
Labour-savingReducing manual effort
PortableEasily carried
State-of-the-artAdvanced or cutting-edge
Up-to-dateCurrent or modern
User-friendlyEasy to use
VirtualSimulated or computer-generated
Wireless connectionWireless network


AccessEntry or admission
ConnectLink or join
DownloadTransfer data from internet
DisplayShow or exhibit
EnvisageImagine or foresee
OperateControl or run
RevolutionRadical change or innovation
ScrollMove through text or images
SpeculateConjecture or guess
StoreKeep or retain
SurpassExceed or outdo

Verbs Words

AutomaticallyWithout human intervention

Adverb Word


AttitudeOutlook or mindset
BrandProduct or company
CultureBeliefs and customs
CyclePeriodic sequence
DemographicsPopulation characteristics
DevelopmentGrowth or progress
DiversityVariety or range
GlobalisationWorldwide integration
HindsightUnderstanding after event
IconSymbol or representative
IdentityIndividuality or uniqueness
ImplicationSuggestion or consequence
ImpactEffect or influence
IncreaseGrowth or rise
InfluenceImpact or sway
IndustrySector or field
IsolationSolitude or separation
Joint ventureCollaboration or partnership
(Have a) MonopolyExclusive control
MarketCommercial arena
ModernisationProcess of modernizing
MulticulturalismCoexistence of cultures
PercentageProportion or rate
PopulationTotal inhabitants
PredictionForecast or estimate
ProjectionForecast or prediction
ProportionRatio or percentage
RateSpeed or frequency
StatisticsData analysis
TrendPattern or tendency


AgeingGetting older
CurrentPresent or existing
DemographicRelating to population
ElderlySenior or aged
EthnicRelating to ethnicity
ExoticForeign or unusual
GlobalWorldwide or international
LocalRelating to locality
Long-termExtended period
Mid-termIntermediate period
MulticulturalDiverse cultural backgrounds
ProductiveEfficient or fruitful
ScepticalDoubtful or questioning
Short-termBrief period
SubsequentFollowing or next
WealthyRich or affluent
WorldwideGlobal or international


CompoundCombine or mix
ContributeContribute or give
DeclineDecrease or fall
DiminishDecrease or lessen
DominateControl or monopolize
DwindleDecrease or shrink
FactorElement or cause
IndicateShow or suggest
MergeCombine or unite
MigrateMove or relocate

Verbs Words


BenefitAdvantage or gain
ChallengeDifficulty or obstacle
CompromiseAgreement or settlement
DifficultyProblem or obstacle
DilemmaDifficult choice
InhabitantResident or occupant
InfrastructureBasic facilities
IsolationSolitude or separation
IssueProblem or concern
MegacityLarge urban area
MigrantRelocating person
ObstacleBarrier or hindrance
OverpopulationExcessive population
PopulationTotal inhabitants
PovertyState of being poor
ResolutionSolution or determination
SetbackReverse or obstacle
SlumPoor and overcrowded area
SolutionAnswer or remedy
ToleranceAcceptance or openness
TrafficMovement of vehicles
UrbanisationGrowth of cities


AdequateSufficient or suitable
BasicFundamental or essential
BoomingThriving or prospering
CatastrophicDisastrous or tragic
CrowdedFull or congested
DecentAcceptable or satisfactory
DevelopingEvolving or growing
Double-edgedHaving both positive and negative aspects
IsolatedAlone or remote
One-sidedBiased or partial
Long-sightedFarsighted or visionary
Long-termExtended period
OverpricedExpensive or costly
OverworkedWorked excessively
PressingUrgent or critical
RuralCountryside or rustic
Short-sightedMyopic or nearsighted
Short-termBrief period
StaggeringAstonishing or shocking
TolerantAccepting or open-minded


AddressDeal with or tackle
AdjustAdapt or modify
AggravateWorsen or exacerbate
CauseBring about or create
CompeteVie or contend
CompoundCombine or mix
Deal withHandle or manage
DeteriorateDecline or worsen
EnhanceImprove or enrich
ExacerbateWorsen or aggravate
ExcludeOmit or leave out
FaceConfront or confront
FlourishThrive or prosper
IdentityRecognize or distinguish
ImproveEnhance or better
IncludeIncorporate or comprise
LingerRemain or persist
ModifyAlter or change
OvercomeConquer or defeat
PresentOffer or show
RaiseElevate or lift
ReformImprove or amend
RegulateControl or manage
RemedyFix or cure
ResolveSolve or settle
TackleAddress or confront
TolerateAccept or endure
TransformChange or convert
WorsenDeteriorate or decline

Verbs Words

Verb PhrasesMeaning
Find a solutionSolve a problem
Overcome a difficultyConquer an obstacle
Reach/find a compromiseAchieve agreement
Remedy a situationFix a problem
Resolve a issueSettle a problem

Verb Phrases Vocabulary


Acid rainPolluted rain
BiodiversityVariety of life forms
Climate changeEnvironmental shift
ContaminationPollution or impurity
DeforestationClearing of forests
DisposalRemoval or elimination
DroughtPeriod of dryness
EcosystemNatural environment
EmissionRelease of pollutants
The environmentNatural surroundings
ErosionWear away of land
ExhaustRelease waste gases
FertilizerPlant nutrient
FloodOverflow of water
FoodEdible substance
Food chainSequence of consumption
FumesGas or vapor
Greenhouse gasesAtmospheric pollutants
ImpactEffect or influence
PollutantContaminant or impurity
PollutionEnvironmental contamination
ProcessProcedure or method
RefuseWaste or garbage
StrainPressure or stress
ThreatMenace or danger
WasteUnwanted material


AchievablePossible or attainable
AdvantageousBeneficial or favorable
At riskIn danger
BeneficialAdvantageous or helpful
ChronicLong-lasting or persistent
ConceivableImaginable or possible
ContaminatedPolluted or impure
DevastatingDestructive or ruinous
DoubtfulUncertain or dubious
EnvironmentSurroundings or habitat
EnvironmentallyRelating to environment
FeasiblePossible or practical
FruitlessUnsuccessful or futile
FutileIn vain or pointless
ImmuneResistant or protected
ImpracticableUnworkable or unrealistic
ImprobableUnlikely or doubtful
In dangerAt risk or threatened
InsolubleUnsolvable or unanswerable
IrreparableUnfixable or irreversible
IrreplaceableInvaluable or unique
IrreversiblePermanent or unchangeable
LiableResponsible or accountable
Life-threateningPotentially deadly
PervasiveWidespread or prevalent
PointlessPurposeless or futile
PristineUntouched or pure
QuestionableDoubtful or uncertain
RecyclableAble to be recycled
SustainableEnvironmentally friendly
TaxingDemanding or arduous
UnattainableImpossible to achieve
UnlikelyImprobable or doubtful
UnprecedentedUnprecedented or novel
UselessIneffective or futile
ViableFeasible or workable
VitalEssential or crucial
WorthlessValueless or useless

Adjectives Words

ConfrontFace or tackle
ContaminatePollute or taint
Dispose ofGet rid of
DumpDiscard or dispose of
ThreatenEndanger or intimidate

verbs Words

InexorableRelentless or unstoppable
InevitablyUnavoidably or unavoidably

Adverbs Words


AtmosphereGaseous envelope around Earth
BalanceEquilibrium or stability
BiofuelFuel from organic matter
CarbonElement found in nature
Carbon dioxideCO2, greenhouse gas
CrisesCritical situations or emergencies
ElectricityForm of energy
EmissionsRelease of gases
ExhaustFumes from combustion
Fossil fuelFuel from ancient remains
FuelSubstance for energy
FumesGaseous emissions
GasState of matter
Greenhouse gasesAtmospheric pollutants
HybridCombination or mix
HydrogenElement with symbol H
PetrolGasoline or fuel
ResourcesAvailable materials or assets
TurbineRotating machine
VehicleMeans of transportation


AlternativeSubstitute or option
CriticalCrucial or essential
DisposableSingle-use or throwaway
DrasticExtreme or severe
Eco-friendlyEnvironmentally friendly
EfficientEffective or productive
EffectiveSuccessful or efficient
Environmentally friendlyEco-friendly or green
NuclearRelating to atomic energy
RechargeableCapable of being recharged
RenewableSustainable or reusable
SolarRelating to the sun
UnleadedFree of lead

Adjectives Words

AbsorbSoak up or take in
ConservePreserve or save
ConsumeUse or deplete
ConvertChange or transform
CounterOppose or counteract
DepleteExhaust or use up
DiminishDecrease or reduce
DischargeRelease or emit
DwindleDecrease or shrink
EmitRelease or discharge
ExpandIncrease or grow
LimitRestrict or confine
MaintainPreserve or uphold
OutweighSurpass or exceed
PreserveProtect or conserve
RetainKeep or hold
WasteSquander or misuse

Verbs Words


AdvertisementPromotion or ad
AdvertisingPromotional activities
BossSupervisor or manager
CampaignOrganized effort
CandidateContender or applicant
CareerOccupation or profession
ClerkOffice worker or assistant
ClientCustomer or patron
ColleagueCoworker or associate
CompanyBusiness or corporation
ConsumerBuyer or customer
CredibilityTrustworthiness or believability
CustomerClient or buyer
EarningIncome or salary
EmployeeWorker or staff
EmployerBoss or manager
EmploymentJob or work
ExperienceKnowledge or skill
GoodsMerchandise or products
IncomeEarnings or revenue
IndustrySector or field
InterviewMeeting or discussion
JobWork or employment
Job satisfactionContentment with work
LabourerWorker or manual laborer
ManagementAdministration or leadership
ManualPhysical or hands-on
MarketCommercial arena
MarketingPromotional activities
MeetingGathering or assembly
MoneyCurrency or wealth
NicheSpecialized market
OccupationJob or profession
OfficeWorkplace or headquarters
OvertimeExtra hours
PackagingContainer or wrapping
PaySalary or wages
PerkBenefit or bonus
ProductItem or commodity
ProfessionOccupation or career
ProspectsOutlook or potential
QualificationsCredentials or skills
RetirementEnd of working life
SalaryIncome or wages
SharesStock or equity
Shift workRotating schedule
SkillsAbilities or talents
StaffEmployees or personnel
SupervisionOversight or management
TakeoverAcquisition or buyout
TargetGoal or objective
TradeCommerce or exchange
TrendPattern or tendency
UnemploymentLack of employment
WagesEarnings or salary
WorkforceLabor force or employees
WorkplaceWork environment or office


CasualInformal or relaxed
DemandingChallenging or taxing
EconomicRelating to economy
EconomicalCost-effective or thrifty
ExhaustingTiring or draining
HospitalityWelcoming or friendly
MonotonousRepetitive or dull
Part-timeNot full-time
RetailSales or selling
RedundantUnnecessary or surplus
RewardingFulfilling or satisfying
UnemployedJobless or out of work
UnskilledLacking specialized skills

Adjectives Words

ApplySubmit or request
CompeteVie or contend
EarnMake money or receive
EndorseApprove or support
InvestPut money into
PersuadeConvince or sway
To be promotedAdvance in position
RequestAsk for or solicit
RetireStop working or withdraw

Verbs Words


ActionsDeeds or activities
ArsonDeliberate fire-setting
AuthorityPower or control
BurglaryBreak-in or theft
ConsequencesResults or outcomes
ConvictCriminal or felon
CrimeIllegal act or offense
Crime rateIncidence of crime
CriminalLawbreaker or offender
DeterrentPreventive measure
EvidenceProof or indication
FinePenalty or fee
FraudDeception or swindle
ImprisonmentIncarceration or jail
InequalityDisparity or imbalance
IntentPurpose or intention
IntrusionTrespass or invasion
JudgeJudicial official or arbiter
JuryPanel of judges
KidnappingAbduction or snatch
LawyerAttorney or counsel
MotiveReason or cause
MurderHomicide or killing
OffenceViolation or transgression
PickpocketingTheft from pockets
PreventionAvoidance or stopping
PrisonJail or penitentiary
PrisonerInmate or convict
PropertyPossession or belongings
ProsecutorLegal representative
ProtectionSecurity or defense
PunishmentPenalty or consequence
RecklessnessCarelessness or heedlessness
SmugglingIllegal trade or trafficking
SocialRelating to society
SwearingCursing or profanity
The accusedDefendant or suspect
Toxic wasteHazardous refuse
VandalismDestruction of property
VictimTarget or prey
ViolationBreach or infringement

THE LAW Vocabulary

CriminalLawbreaking or unlawful
Drug-relatedRelated to narcotics
EvilWicked or malevolent
GuiltyResponsible or culpable
HarshSevere or stern
InnocentNot guilty or blameless
IntentionalDeliberate or planned
Low-abidingCompliant with laws
Non-violentPeaceful or pacifist
OffensiveInsulting or objectionable
On trialUnder legal examination
PettyMinor or trivial
PunishableDeserving of punishment
RandomArbitrary or chance
StrictRigorous or severe
UnintentionalAccidental or inadvertent
VictimlessWithout victim or harm

Adjectives Words

AbideFollow or obey
AbolishEliminate or annul
CombatFight or oppose
DeterDiscourage or prevent
EnforceImplement or uphold
ImprisonIncarcerate or confine
MonitorObserve or oversee
ObeyFollow or adhere to
OffendViolate or transgress
PerpetrateCommit or carry out
PreventStop or avert
ProtectDefend or safeguard
ProveDemonstrate or verify
PunishPenalize or discipline
ResentDislike or begrudge
RespectHonor or esteem
ViolateInfringe or breach

Verbs Words

Verb PhrasesMeaning
Accept the consequencesAcknowledge results
Commit a crimeEngage in wrongdoing
Convict a crimeDetermine guilt legally
Impose a fineLevy a penalty
Pass a lawLegislate or enact
Solve a crimeResolve a criminal case

Verb Phrases Vocabulary

AccessEntry or admission
AttitudeMindset or perspective
AuthorWriter or creator
BiasPrejudice or preference
CensorshipSuppression or restriction
ChallengeTest or trial
CredibilityTrustworthiness or believability
Current affairsNews or events
EditorPublisher or reviser
ExposeReveal or uncover
ExposurePresentation or revelation
FameCelebrity or renown
Free pressUnrestricted media
IdeologyBelief system or doctrine
InfluenceImpact or sway
The internetGlobal network
InvestigationInquiry or examination
IssueProblem or topic
JournalPeriodical or magazine
JournalismNews reporting
Mass mediaCommunication outlets
MediaCommunication channels
NetworkSystem or group
The newsCurrent events
NewspaperPeriodical publication
NewsstandVending location
OpinionBelief or viewpoint
PaparazziCelebrity photographers
PressNews media
PrivacyConfidentiality or seclusion
PublicationPrinted work
PublicityExposure or promotion
PublisherPrint house or editor
RelevancePertinence or importance
SafeguardProtect or defend
SourceOrigin or cause
SpeculationGuesswork or conjecture
TabloidSensational newspaper
The webInternet or cyberspace

Nouns Words

AlternativeSubstitute or option
ArtificialSynthetic or man-made
AttentionFocus or notice
BiasedPartial or prejudiced
CelebrityFamous person or star
ControversialDebated or disputed
DistortedTwisted or misrepresented
EntertainingAmusing or enjoyable
FactualBased on fact
InformativeEducational or enlightening
IntrusiveInvasive or interfering
InvestigativeInquiring or probing
MainstreamConventional or popular
PervasiveUbiquitous or widespread
RealisticTrue to life
SensationalistDramatic or exaggerated
SuperficialShallow or surface-level
UnbiasedNeutral or impartial
Well-informedKnowledgeable or educated

Adjectives Words

AffectInfluence or impact
BroadcastAir or transmit
CensorSuppress or restrict
ControlCommand or manage
ExploitUtilize or capitalize on
ExposeUncover or reveal
InformEducate or enlighten
IntrudeInvade or encroach
InvadeIntrude or trespass
InvestigationInquiry or examination
PublicizePromote or advertise
PublishRelease or print
ReportInform or recount
ReviewAssess or critique
VerifyConfirm or authenticate

Verbs Words


ActorPerformer in drama or film
ActressFemale performer
AestheticsBeauty or art appreciation
AppreciationRecognition or gratitude
ArtefactArtifact or man made object.
ArtistCreative individual
AtmosphereAmbiance or vibe
AudienceSpectators or viewers
BallerinaBallet dancer
BalletClassical dance form
CarvingSculpting or engraving
ConceptionIdea or concept
ConcertMusical performance
CraftsHandmade items
CreationArtistic production
CultureSociety’s customs
EmotionFeeling or sentiment
ExhibitionDisplay or show
ExpressionCommunication of emotion
FestivalCelebration or event
GalleryArt exhibition space
ImageVisual representation
ImaginationCreativity or fantasy
InfluenceImpact or sway
InspirationCreative motivation
IntimacyCloseness or familiarity
LiteratureWritten works
MoodAtmosphere or feeling
MusicianInstrumental performer
OperaClassical vocal performance
OrchestraMusical ensemble
PaintingVisual artwork
PerformanceArtistic presentation
The performing artLive entertainment
PlayTheatrical production
PortraitArtistic depiction of person
ProportionRatio or scale
ReflectionContemplation or thought
ResponseReaction or feedback
SculptorArtist who sculpts
SculptureThree-dimensional art
StimulusCatalyst or trigger
StyleArtistic manner or form
TastePreference or flavor
TheatreVenue for performances
ThemeCentral idea or motif
VenueLocation or site
WorksArtistic creations
WriterAuthor or scribe

THE ART Vocabulary

AbstractConceptual or non-representational
AccomplishedSkilled or proficient
AestheticArtistic or pleasing
BurgeoningGrowing or developing
ClassicalTraditional or timeless
CreativeImaginative or inventive
CulturalRelating to culture
DistractingDiverting or disturbing
ElectricEnergetic or vibrant
EclecticDiverse or varied
EmotionalFeeling or expressive
FundamentalBasic or essential
ImaginativeCreative or fanciful
InfluentialPersuasive or impactful
InteractiveInvolving or participatory
LiteraryPertaining to literature
LiveIn-person or real-time
MagicalEnchanting or mystical
MonotonousTedious or repetitive
MundaneOrdinary or routine
PassionateIntense or fervent
PopularWell-liked or trendy
ProminentNotable or conspicuous
RelaxingCalming or soothing
StimulatingInspiring or invigorating
VisualPertaining to sight
VividBright or colorful

Adjectives Words

ChoreographPlan or arrange movements
CreateProduce or generate
DepictRepresent or portray
EnrichEnhance or improve
EscapeEvade or avoid
ImagineConceive or envision
InfluenceImpact or sway
InspireMotivate or influence
ParticipateTake part or engage
PerformExecute or enact
ProvokeIncite or stimulate
TranscendSurpass or exceed


Effectively learning and revising vocabulary is essential for improving your language skills and achieving success in the IELTS exam. By organizing new and challenging words into categories or using color-coded highlighters, you can better manage and review your vocabulary. This approach not only helps you track your progress but also ensures you use words accurately and confidently.

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